PS3 Jogos, Kit Move, controles, Iphad, iphone. 
Criar uma Loja Virtual Grátis

|                                  Portal 2                                   |
|                       Walkthrough By: redapocalypse04                       |
|                  Contact:                  |
|                                Version: 1.00                                |

                           ||                     ||
                           ||  Table of Contents  ||
                           ||                     ||

I. Walkthrough

  Chapter 1: The Courtesy Call______________________[W1]
    Test Chamber 00_________________________________[1.02]
    Test Chamber 01_________________________________[1.03]
    Test Chamber 02_________________________________[1.04]
    Test Chamber 03_________________________________[1.05]
    Test Chamber 05_________________________________[1.06]
    Test Chamber 06_________________________________[1.07]
    Test Chamber 07_________________________________[1.08]

  Chapter 2: The Cold Boot__________________________[W2]
    Test Chamber 01_________________________________[2.01]
    Test Chamber 02_________________________________[2.02]
    Test Chamber 03_________________________________[2.03]
    Test Chamber 04_________________________________[2.04]
    Test Chamber 05_________________________________[2.05]
    Test Chamber 06_________________________________[2.06]
    Test Chamber 07_________________________________[2.07]
    Test Chamber 08_________________________________[2.08]

  Chapter 3: The Return_____________________________[W3]
    Test Chamber 09_________________________________[3.01]
    Test Chamber 10_________________________________[3.02]
    Test Chamber 11_________________________________[3.03]
    Test Chamber 12_________________________________[3.04]
    Test Chamber 13_________________________________[3.05]
    Test Chamber 14_________________________________[3.06]
    Test Chamber 15_________________________________[3.07]
    Test Chamber 16_________________________________[3.08]
    Test Chamber 17_________________________________[3.09]

  Chapter 4: The Surprise___________________________[W4]
    Test Chamber 18_________________________________[4.01]
    Test Chamber 19_________________________________[4.02]
    Test Chamber 20_________________________________[4.03]
    Test Chamber 21_________________________________[4.04]

  Chapter 5: The Escape_____________________________[W5]
    Manufacturing Area______________________________[5.01]
    Neurotoxin Generator____________________________[5.03]

  Chapter 6: The Fall_______________________________[W6]
    The Bottom______________________________________[6.01]
    Control Room____________________________________[6.09]

  Chapter 7: The Reunion____________________________[W7]
    Gel Pump Station________________________________[7.06]

  Chapter 8: The Itch_______________________________[W8]
    Test Chamber 01_________________________________[8.01]
    Test Chamber 01...Again_________________________[8.02]
    Test Chamber 02_________________________________[8.03]
    Test Chamber 03_________________________________[8.04]
    Test Chamber 04_________________________________[8.05]
    Test Chamber 05_________________________________[8.06]
    Test Chamber 06_________________________________[8.07]
    Test Chamber 11_________________________________[8.08]
    Test Chamber 12_________________________________[8.09]
    Test Chamber 15_________________________________[8.10]
    Test Chamber 16_________________________________[8.11]
    Test Chamber 17_________________________________[8.12]

  Chapter 9: The Part Where He Kills You____________[W9]
    Death Trap______________________________________[9.01]
    Test Chamber 75_________________________________[9.02]
    Bomb Transportation_____________________________[9.03]

II. Technical_______________________________________[TECH]

                              ||               ||
                              ||  Walkthrough  ||
                              ||               ||

                        | ============================ |
                        |                              |
                        | Chapter 1: The Courtesy Call |                   [W1]
                        |                              |
                        | ============================ |

|Tutorial|                                                               [1.01]

You will start the game in a motel room, or what looks like one. Look up and 
down when prompted by the buzzers. Next, go stand in front of the painting to 
the left of the bed and stare at it. After the music goes off, head back to bed
and press X to sleep.

When you wake up again, a LOT of time has passed. Move to the front door to 
let in Wheatley, the round ball with a blue eye. When Wheatley asks you to 
speak, press A to jump. He'll then start moving the motel room, which is a 
lot more portable than it looks. After he slams it through the wall, exit the 
room and stand on the glass ahead.

|Test Chamber 00|                                                        [1.02]

Once the glass breaks you'll be in a room that's identical to the first room 
from Portal 1. Well, this one looks a little neglected. When the orange portal
appears on the wall, step through it. You'll come out of the blue portal 
outside of this glass chamber. Keep going, through the first doorway.

In this room you'll find a big red button on the ground and a cube. Walk up to
the cube and press X to pick it up. Carry it over to the button and press X 
again to drop it on the button. This will open the next door. Mostly. Keep 
going and hop inside the elevator.

|Test Chamber 01|                                                        [1.03]

After you drop down into the testing chamber, an orange portal will appear on 
the wall behind you. You will notice three glass-enclosed chambers ahead. 
Pressing the button outside each one causes a blue portal to appear in the 
appropriate chamber. To start, press the button outside the right chamber. You
need to get in there and take the cube out of it.

Now, hit the button outside the left chamber. Move into it and place the cube
on the big button here. Now hit the final button to open a portal in the 
last chamber so that you can move through the exit door.

|Test Chamber 02|                                                        [1.04]

Move into the chamber and you'll meet back up with Wheatley. Head towards the 
center of the chamber, where the portal gun is supposed to be. The floor will
give way. Once you land, move forward and you'll come across a bunch of wall
drawings. The stairs here lead up to the blue portal gun. Shoot a blue portal
on any white wall here and move through it.

After you move through the ruined offices and drop back down, shoot a portal on
the wall next to you to get across the first gap. Now shoot another portal on 
the wall across the next gap and move back through the orange portal to get by

|Test Chamber 03|                                                        [1.05]

You will immediately notice a big button on the floor and an orange portal to 
the right of it. Move forward and a cube will drop into the pit. Shoot a portal
beneath the cube to make it fall through the orange portal, then put it on 
the button.

Test Chamber 04 follows the same principles, but there are two buttons here and
both of them will have to be pressed to open the exit door. First, go to the 
pit at the back of the room and jump in there. Fire a portal somewhere here and
take the cube with you through it, then place it on a button. Now, fire a 
portal anywhere and move through it so that you're standing on the high 
platform with the orange portal next to it. Fire another portal at the other 
platform so that you can move through the orange portal and pick up the other

Once both buttons have cubes on them, move into the next room. You become 
locked in. Place a portal on the wall in here and move through it. There is an 
orange portal on the ceiling above the room that you'll come out of. The set of
stairs to your right as you progress only lead up to a useless office. Just 
keep going to the elevator.

|Test Chamber 05|                                                        [1.06]

To get into the actual chamber, fire a portal on the floor next to the debris.
You'll come out of the orange portal on the wall panel here. For now, you'll 
need to use the big button on the floor and the smaller button. The small 
button dispenses a cube in the corner of the room. Follow the blue lines to 
see how things are connected. Place a blue portal on the floor below the 
dispenser so that the cube comes out of the orange portal by you. Pick it up 
and place it on the big button to make some stairs come up.

On the next platform you'll see another big button. This opens the exit door, 
so you'll need another cube. There are also two small buttons. The left 
button dispenses a cube and the right button raises a segment of floor at the
end of the lower platform. You need to place a portal on the floor below the
dispenser, just like last time. Unfortunately, the cube will be traveling so 
fast that it will roll off of the edge of the platform and into the water.
About one second after you press the left button, press the right button to 
raise the floor at the edge. This stops the cube from going anywhere. Now you
can place it on the second big button.

|Test Chamber 06|                                                        [1.07]

Place a portal anywhere and walk through it to get to the testing area. You 
will notice that the orange portal is pretty high up, and that there's a deep
pit in the middle of the room. Fire a portal on the floor at the bottom of the
pit and jump into it. Your momentum will carry over as you move through the 
orange portal, flinging you to the exit door.

You need a cube to actually get through the door, however, so find the clear 
box with a hole in it. Shoot a portal through the hole, underneath the cube.
Now retrieve the cube, shoot another portal into the pit, and jump back in. 
Don't worry about the cube not fitting through the portal. You'll still hang 
onto it.

The next room works off the same principles, but this time the pit already has
the orange portal in it. Fire a blue portal on the slanted wall piece to the 
left of the entry door and jump into the pit. Grab the cube and shoot another
portal on the wall on the opposite side of the entry door, facing the exit 
door. Your goal is the other raised platform. Once on it you'll find an area
with a big button in it. Place the cube on the button to open the exit door and
raise some platforms in front of it. Now, make sure the blue portal is aligned
correctly with the platforms and high enough and jump back into the pit to get

|Test Chamber 07|                                                        [1.08]

You'll meet back up with Wheatley in this chamber. Place a portal on the wall
behind him to get over there. He'll detach himself from the rail, so pick him 
up with X and plug him into the socket that comes out of the wall. Turn around
so he can have his privacy and he'll open up a secret wall. Pick him back up,
get on the catwalks, and follow them to the next area.

You will eventually have to move through GLaDOS' ruined chamber. She's still 
there too, albeit in a less active state. Just keep going and you will come
across the breaker room/cylinder. Plug Wheatley in when you get the chance.

After he accidentally wakes up GLaDOS and you fall into the pit, move along 
the rails and wreckage until you come across the complete portal gun. Fire a 
portal on the wall ahead and then fire one on the wall next to you to 
continue on. The rest of this chapter is just firing portals to get around 

                         | ======================== |
                         |                          |
                         | Chapter 2: The Cold Boot |                      [W2]
                         |                          |
                         | ======================== |

|Test Chamber 01|                                                        [2.01]

Once inside the chamber a laser will come down and fire at a piece of flooring.
The lasers will damage and eventually kill you, but they aren't insta-death.
Still, steer clear of them. To the right of it is a laser receptacle. You need
to put the laser into the receptacle to power the lift at the end of the room.
First, get on the lift. Now place a portal on the floor where the laser ends 
and place another portal on the ceiling above the receptacle. The laser will
go through the portals and power the lift.

|Test Chamber 02|                                                        [2.02]

Jump over the laser beam and look in the left corner. You should see a cube 
behind the debris. Portal it over to you. These cubes are redirection cubes.
Pick it up and walk in front of the laser. The cube will redirect the laser 
wherever you point. Place the cube down so that the laser is redirected into 
the receptacle on the wall. This raises stairs to the exit door.

You will need another cube to place on the button. Unfortunately, calling down
another cube destroys the one you've placed, which means the stairs will go 
away. You will have to place a portal up here next to the exit door and leave
it. Now place another portal behind the debris where you acquired the first 
redirection cube. There's a button over here that you can push to dispense 
another cube. Grab the second cube, go through the portal, and put it on the 

|Test Chamber 03|                                                        [2.03]

There are two lasers in here that both need to be directed into receptacles to
open the exit door. First, get onto the highest platform here and grab the 
redirection cube. Now, portal onto the second highest platform. You'll have to
drop onto it from the ceiling, so watch out for both lasers. Redirect the 
laser here into the receptacle on the wall. Now use portals to redirect the 
higher laser into the receptacle on the ceiling.

|Test Chamber 04|                                                        [2.04]

Once inside the test chamber, place a portal on the wall to the left of the 
entry door, and place another one on the platform across the way with the 
small button on it. Now place your exit portal on the wall being hit by the 
laser. It will exit your first portal and hit the receptacle on the wall, 
causing a platform to move back and forth. When the moving platform reaches 
you, you can move the entry portal to stop the laser, which stops the 
platform. Now dispense a cube using the button, hop onto the moving platform, 
and reconnect the laser with the receptacle to reach the exit door and the 
button that opens it.

|Test Chamber 05|                                                        [2.05]

In this chamber you'll be introduced to faith plates. They just throw you to a
target painted on the ground. Use the first one to get over to the small 
button and press it. This dispenses a cube that bounces up and down on a plate
in the middle of the room. You will need to use the plate on your side to get
back over to the entry door, and on the way, grab the cube in mid-air. Once 
you've got the cube, use the plate to get back over to the exit door and place
it on the button.

|Test Chamber 06|                                                        [2.06]

Don't hop on the plates yet. Move to the left end of platform you are on and 
look to the right. You should be able to see two slanted wall pieces. Put a 
portal on each of them. Now use the first faith plate. You will bounce along, 
into and out of the portals, onto another plate, and then on the final 
platform with a small button on it. If you are going for achievements, you 
will want to save here. There are three achievements here to get, and 
you can mess them up.

The first time you press the button, a bunch of junk will come out. There's a
turret mixed in with the junk. Catch it as it comes towards you and portal 
back to the beginning platform. Put the turret on the first plate to send it 
flying and get an achievement. Now get back to the final platform and look 
around for a radio. It was also among the junk and it probably hit the back 
wall and landed on a platform behind the one you're on. Either way, grab it 
and head back to the beginning platform. Now, place one portal on the first 
slanted wall piece and place another portal on the wall to the left of those 
slanted pieces. Make sure it's on the wall as close to the corner as you can 
get it. Use the plates to go through the portals and you'll wind up in one of
the Rat Man's dens. Move around in here and the radio will start broadcasting
a weird signal. This gets you the achievement.

Now, back to the task at hand and the final achievement. Make your way to the 
button platform, again. The second time you press the button a cube will come 
out that you need to place on the button to the right of the exit door. To get
the achievement you'll have to place the cube onto the button without touching
it. Very simple to do. Leave the portal on the first slanted wall piece, but
put the exit portal on the ceiling directly above the button. The cube will 
just fly onto it.

|Test Chamber 07|                                                        [2.07]

After GLaDOS is done toying with you, use the cube to block the laser beam.
This will force the lift down. Hop onto it and then place a portal beneath the
cube and another portal on a wall. The cube will fall through and the lift will
rise. You will see two slanted wall pieces at the top. Place a portal on the 
far one and place another portal beneath the cube below to bring it up to you.
Now, place a portal on the ground below so that you can jump into it and fly
out of the slanted wall piece. Place the cube on the button to open the door
and erect some platforms.

Now place your exit portal on the other slanted wall piece and jump back into
your first portal to fly to the exit door. If you're looking for an 
achievement, place your exit portal on the wall just past the exit door. 
Grab the cube on the button and jump back into your portal in the pit. There is
no emancipation grill here, so take the cube to the elevator and enjoy your 
achievement. The cube is still destroyed, unfortunately.

|Test Chamber 08|                                                        [2.08]

Go through the emancipation grill and press the small button to dispense a 
redirection cube. Now shoot a portal through the hole in the glass and put 
another portal on your side of the room so you can bring the cube over to 
your side. You cannot go through the emancipation grill without closing all of
your portals and destroying anything in your hands, so this is necessary. Use
the cube to redirect the laser into the receptacle on the far wall.

                           | ===================== |
                           |                       |
                           | Chapter 3: The Return |                       [W3]
                           |                       |
                           | ===================== |

|Test Chamber 09|                                                        [3.01]

After GLaDOS lowers the ceiling above the plate, put a portal on the ceiling 
and put another portal on the ceiling above the higher area to get up there.
Once up here look to the left and you'll see three slanted wall pieces. The 
far piece points to a button that dispenses a cube, so place an exit portal
on that and go back down to the faith plate. Use the plate to bounce up and
over to the button. Hit it, then place a portal on the next slanted wall 
piece. Do the same thing to get over to the redirection cube and use it to 
point the laser at the piece of white wall sticking up in the middle. Now, 
place an exit portal on the last slanted wall piece so you can get up to the 
exit door.

Once you're up here, place a portal on each side of that middle wall so the
laser travels through it and enters the receptacle on the other side, 
opening the exit door.

|Test Chamber 10|                                                        [3.02]

Put a portal on the same wall as the entry door, up high. Your goal is the 
platform with the cube on it across the way. Just before the cube platform 
there's a pit. Place your second portal down here and jump in to sail over to 
the cube. Now use the plate in the middle to bounce yourself up to the laser.
Use the cube to block the laser, which lowers the glass barricade here. Jump
back down and use the plate again. This time you'll hit some more faith 
plates on the back wall and bounce up to another glass barrier. There is a 
laser receptacle up here and a small button. Use the button to dispense a 
redirection cube.

The cube will follow the same path you did and wind up on the platform with 
you. Now, place a portal on the wall opposite the laser receptacle and bring 
the redirection cube down to the second level. Remove the regular cube from 
the laser's path and replace it with the redirection cube. Point the laser at 
the white piece of wall and shoot a portal onto it to connect the laser with 
the receptacle. Now take the regular cube with you back down to the first 
plate and use it. You'll bounce all the way to the exit door. Place the cube 
on the button to open it.

|Test Chamber 11|                                                        [3.03]

You'll be introduced to hard light bridges in this chamber. You can make the 
bridges go through portals, providing temporary platforms. Place your entry 
portal on the wall where the light bridge ends. Place the exit on the wall 
next to the exit door. The light bridge will come through the portal and you 
can walk across to the small button. Hitting it causes cubes to continuously 
drop from the dispenser to the left of the button. It's behind a glass 
barrier. To get in here, look for the entrance to the right of the glass 
barrier. There's a break in the lower white wall and you can move inside it.
You will need to put your exit portal on the wall opposite this "hallway" to 
make a light bridge go into it.

When you have to turn a corner, put your exit portal on the next wall and 
continue on. Now put your exit portal on the other white wall so that you can
walk directly under the dispenser and grab the cube. Go through the portal to 
get back up to the beginning platform. Now, if you're looking at the exit 
door, place the exit portal on the white wall to your right so you can use it 
to get to the button, which is behind some glass on the left. Put the cube on 
the button and use portals and bridges to get back over to the exit door.

|Test Chamber 12|                                                        [3.04]

When you finally get inside the chamber, look up and left. You should see a 
light bridge. Place a portal above the beginning of the bridge and get onto 
it. Place your entry portal at the end of the bridge and the exit portal on 
the wall behind the small button. That way when you press the button, the 
cube will drop down and hit the bridge. Grab the cube and go back through the 
portal so you're on the original part of the bridge. Place another portal on 
the vertical part of the small button platform so you can walk over to the 
exit door and place the cube on the big button.

|Test Chamber 13|                                                        [3.05]

You'll be right behind a turret as you enter the test chamber. To disable a 
turret you have to knock it down, so just grab it and throw it. It will spray
randomly for a couple of seconds and then shut down. Place a portal behind the
next turret and grab it through another portal to take it out. All you have to 
do to eliminate the next turret is place one portal on the floor below it. 
It'll fall out of your other portal.

When you get to the area with three cubes, you'll have to worry about two 
turrets at both ends of the next hallway. Place a portal above a turret and 
place another portal below a cube. The cube will knock the turret down. Repeat
for the second turret. The next room has three turrets covering the whole 
place. You'll need the three cubes, and the idea is the same. Place a portal
on the wall next to you, then place one over each turret and drop something
on them to knock them over. Look through the portal before throwing in a cube
to make sure you've got it lined up correctly. The turret closest to you is 
facing away, so if you can take out the other two, you can just walk up and 
throw this one down. Place a cube on the button in here to leave.

|Test Chamber 14|                                                        [3.06]

Move along the catwalk until you get to the end. You'll be lifted up in the 
middle of a test chamber. You will need to get the laser to go through all 
three nodes on the floor at once to open the exit door. Grab the redirection
cube and use it to force the laser through two of the nodes. Place a portal 
on the wall where the laser ends, and keep placing portals on the wall by 
the last node until the laser lines up on it. Pretty simple.

|Test Chamber 15|                                                        [3.07]

As soon as you enter the test chamber you will see four turrets on the other 
side of a hard light bridge. The light bridges stop turrets from seeing you, 
so place an entry portal at the end of the bridge and place the exit on the 
wall in front of the lone turret standing in your path. Move to the light 
bridge, then remove it and get behind the turret. In the next room there are 
four more turrets guarding a cube to your right as you enter. Place your exit
portal on the side of the central platform to make a light bridge barrier so 
you can continue on.

There are two faith plates on either side at the back of the room. You need to 
get onto the mesh platform, but the plates bounce you too far. Place your exit
portal on the wall so that a light bridge comes out and stops you in mid-air.
You will fall onto the mesh platform as a result. There's a glass bridge on 
this platform leading to the four turrets. Drop through the hole onto the 
cube and you'll be in the middle of the turrets.

Destroy the turrets and place the cube on the button in the middle of the 
room. This raises the glass blocking the exit door, but there are two more 
turrets back there that can now see you. Place the exit portal on the wall just
in front of them. Move to the light bridge, then remove it and get behind the
turrets quickly, then move to the elevator.

|Test Chamber 16|                                                        [3.08]

As soon as you enter the test chamber, watch out for a turret behind a broken
piece of wall to your right. Just move past him and ignore it for now. 
Stepping on the button turns the laser on, so place a portal on the floor where
the laser hits and place another portal on the wall in front of the first 
three turrets. The laser will cut through all of them. Move through and grab 
the cube, then place it on the button. Now grab the redirection cube.

If you want to, you can place the exit portal on the single white panel below
the camera in the corner, then use the redirection cube to destroy that first 
turret behind the wall. It blows away the grating and you can crawl inside. 
You'll find another Rat Man den and also four turrets below the floor that are

If you don't want to, leave the exit portal on the wall and use the redirection
cube to point the laser at the last four turrets. The laser travels through 
glass. Leave it pointing at the receptacle to open up the way forward and the 
exit door.

|Test Chamber 17|                                                        [3.09]

In here you'll notice a light bridge with a cube on it blocking a laser. If 
the laser hits the receptacle, the lift at the end rises. Obviously you want to
be on the lift first. The cube needs to go on the button to open the exit door.
First, place a portal at the end of the light bridge and get on it. Now, while
standing on the light bridge, look at the big button. You should see a single 
white panel on the wall to the right of it. Place your exit portal there. Now
grab the cube and put it on the new bridge in front of the laser. It should 
also be over the button.

Now get on the lift and put your entry portal somewhere else. This will cut off
the light bridge, dropping the cube onto the button and allowing the laser to 
hit the receptacle.

                          | ======================= |
                          |                         |
                          | Chapter 4: The Surprise |                      [W4]
                          |                         |
                          | ======================= |

|Test Chamber 18|                                                        [4.01]

First off, always stay behind cover. That turret at the other end can't be 
destroyed just yet. You should notice a white wall on the other side of the 
room along with a small button behind some glass. Portal over to it. Every 
time you hit the button, redirection cubes come out of the two dispensers 
next to the wall. They will hit faith plates at the exact same time and collide
in the air, falling into the water. To stop this, place an entry portal on the
ceiling at the end of the light bridge and an exit portal on the floor in 
front of the far cube dispenser.

Now both cubes should be over there in front of it. Portal back to the other 
side, behind the glass. Place an entry portal to catch the light bridge again
and place exit portals on the ground in front of you as you move to the cubes.
This will protect you from the turret. Take one of the redirection cubes over 
to the laser and use it to shoot the laser into the only two nodes that you can

Now grab the other redirection cube and use it to redirect the laser into the 
turret, for starters. After the turret is down, you can redirect the laser into
the last two nodes and the receptacle on the wall. Now fire your exit portal
onto the wall to the left of the exit door to make a bridge across.

|Test Chamber 19|                                                        [4.02]

First off, let's collect all of the redirection cubes. There's one already on
the floor below you. There's another one up high to your left on a pillar, and
one below you to your right. You can grab that one right now by firing a portal
onto the ceiling above it and another one on the floor below. To get the 
other cube, find the faith plate on the ground floor. You can't actually get 
on it without using a portal. Fire a portal on the ground in front of the 
plate, then fire one on the ceiling panel above it with the target on it. 
Drop a cube into the portal on the ground. It will fall and hit the plate, 
then bounce back up through the portal into the air. While it's in mid-air, 
place the portal that was above the plate on the wall by the cube on the 
pillar. The first cube will come out of the portal at high speeds and knock 
the other cube off.

Now that you've got them all, portal yourself up to the first platform that 
the laser is going to. Bring a redirection cube with you and use it to force
the laser into the node across the way. Now, just like before, hop down and 
make a portal in front of the faith plate and one above it. Drop a cube in 
and when it's in mid-air, fire a portal at the wall opposite the platform with
the first node. The cube will land on it. You will have to get over there as 
well, though, so do the same thing with yourself. Once you're up there, 
redirect the laser into the second node by the entry door.

To get back up to the entry door, just shoot a portal on the ceiling above it
and drop in. With the other cube, of course. Redirect the laser to blow up the
turrets around the exit door, and finally into the receptacle. This will raise
some platforms. You'll need to go down and do the same thing with the faith 
plate again to throw yourself over to the platform.

|Test Chamber 20|                                                        [4.03]

As you enter the test chamber you will see three lasers and two redirection 
cubes. Look to the right and you'll see three receptacles. Place a portal on
the single panel directly in front of the middle receptacle. Now, place an 
entry portal on the wall so that the diagonally pointed laser goes through it.
It will hit left most receptacle. Take one of the redirection cubes and use it
to redirect the vertical laser into the right-most receptacle. You should be 
able to see it clearly through the portal. Now use the last cube to redirect
the wall-mounted laser pointing straight ahead. Place the cube directly in 
front of the portal to force the laser into the middle receptacle.

|Test Chamber 21|                                                        [4.04]

Place an entry portal at the end of the light bridge and put the exit on the 
far wall so that the bridge passes in front of the small button and under the
cube dispenser. Walk through the portal and hit the button. Before you can 
grab the cube, the power goes out. Make your way back to the light bridge, 
where you'll find Wheatley. Now it's time to escape. Just keep going along the
catwalks for a while. Eventually GLaDOS will try to lure you back by opening 
up another test chamber. You can go inside the test chamber for an 
achievement! And death. To continue escaping while still alive, go the 
opposite way of the test chamber.

Eventually you'll run into three turrets. You can get behind all of them, so
take them down and place a portal on the only white wall in here. Now, look 
beyond the padded walls just behind the circular thing closest to your portal.
Your back should be to the portal at this point. You will see a white wall on 
the outside. Portal over to it and keep going. Another turret will pop up to 
your left as you move through the area. Just place a portal on the wall next to
it and on the floor under it. You'll need to hurry through the last catwalk 
section as GLaDOS tries to crush you. Once you reach the elevator, you're 

                           | ===================== |
                           |                       |
                           | Chapter 5: The Escape |                       [W5]
                           |                       |
                           | ===================== |

|Manufacturing Area|                                                     [5.01]

The door won't open all the way. Place a portal on the wall through the door 
and one on the wall next to you. After a lot of running around on the 
catwalks, you'll drop down onto a moving conveyor belt. You'll need to watch
out for materials moving across the belt as well as lasers at the end.
You'll eventually have to portal your way up to the next area. Once up here, 
Wheatley will shine his light on a wall across the way that you can portal 
over to. You'll have to do this again before you're back on solid ground.

The solid ground doesn't last for long. The next catwalk is broken, so jump 
down to crate, then down to the next one, and onto the tube. Work your way 
down to the next area.

|Factory|                                                                [5.02]

Place a portal somewhere in the office and another one on the wall above the 
first conveyor belt. Move along up to the second conveyor belt. As you move 
along this one, you should notice a turret with a blinking laser. As you get
close to it, it will say "I'm different". Pick it up to save it and get an 
achievement. You can also listen to it talk for a bit. At the end of the 
conveyor belt, drop down onto the catwalk below.

You'll come across an assembly line of turrets using a dummy for target 
practice. Shoot a portal on the wall next to you and shoot one onto the ceiling
above the dummy. Drop in there and shoot a portal onto the wall of the office 
you need to get into, then put another portal on the wall behind the dummmy
and walk through. Watch out for turret fire.

Keep going until you see a turret assembly line to your left and an incinerator
on the floor to your right. Stand in front of this incinerator and look at 
the turrets. When a defective turret comes through the line, the machine will 
reject it by flinging it towards the incinerator. Grab it in mid-air and take 
it with you, you'll need it in a second. When you get to the next room, wait
for Wheatley to bust the glass, then portal inside the little room and remove 
the template turret. Stand inside the scanning thing to get scanned and get 
an achievement. Now, take the defective turret that you brought with you and
put it into the scanning area. Once Wheatley opens the next door, move through
to the end.

|Neurotoxin Generator|                                                   [5.03]

Keep moving through this area and you'll ride an elevator up. Place an entry
portal on the wall being hit by the laser behind the elevator. You'll need it
soon. Now press the button on the catwalk to open the next door. Wheatley will
sit there forever pretending to hack the computer, so move up to the higher 
office. Look out of the window straight ahead and you should see white panels
moving up on the left side of the room. If you fire an exit portal at one of 
the panels near the bottom, the laser will come through and the portal will 
raise it, severing all of the tubes over here. Do the same thing with the 
panels moving along the ceiling on the right side to take out those four tubes.
After the huge tank implodes, go back to Wheatley.

|GLaDOS|                                                                 [5.04]

After a long ride in the tubes, go up the stairs and you'll come to a large 
cavern. You're actually back outside GLaDOS' chamber, but the bridge is 
ruined. If you look out across the cavern you should see a light flickering.
Shoot a portal at it, then shoot a portal on the wall next to you. Once you 
land, use the door. Which is fake. You'll fall into GLaDOS' trap and be 
transported to her chamber inside a glass room. Luckily, her turrets and 
neurotoxin won't work.

When prompted, grab Wheatley and plug him into the socket. When the next room
opens up, you'll have to press the button to initiate the transfer. GLaDOS 
won't let you in though, so place a portal on the floor and one on the wall 
in the room to get in. Now you have to get to the button, but GLaDOS guards 
that too. Place a portal on each wall and move through them to get to the 

                            | =================== |
                            |                     |
                            | Chapter 6: The Fall |                        [W6]
                            |                     |
                            | =================== |

|The Bottom|                                                             [6.01]

Keep moving until you come to a fence. Portal past it, and then portal up to 
the next area using the piece of white material pointing down. You'll come to 
another fence. You can portal up to a catwalk way out there and to the left.
Once up here, drop off the broken part of the catwalk onto a path and follow
the path to the left. Keep going until you reach another white wall. If you 
look high up you'll see another catwalk you can portal up to. Move to the 
end of the catwalk and place a portal here, then look down and place a portal 
at the entrance to the cavern.

You'll soon come to a lever. Pull it and you'll be greeted by a huge vault 
door. Get onto the catwalks in the middle and go left. Portal up to this 
office. Now, place a portal inside this office on the wall just behind the 
button. Portal over to the office on the other side and do the same thing. 
You'll have three seconds to press both buttons, so hit one, move through the 
portal, then hit the other one. The vault door will lift. Move to the small
door and head inside.

|1952|                                                                   [6.02]

Keep going along the catwalk until you go up some stairs, then double back on
this upper level. You should immediately see 1952 painted on the wall next to a
blown out door. You can shoot a portal inside the door. Pull the lever once 
inside. You'll enter a large area and a pre-recorded message of Cave Johnson
starts playing. Move to the right of the central walkway and look at the top
of the back wall. You should see a place to portal up. Once you're up there
on the beams, look straight down through them and place a portal on the slanted
part. Now, move onto the single beam to the left, place another portal on the 
white patch below, and jump in. You'll be hurled right through the big 
Aperture logo/circle.

Move through the lobby area and jump across the broken catwalk once back 
outside. Use the elevator. At the top, go left and shoot a portal onto the 
side of the elevator shaft. You should see a well lit area off in the distance,
three doors you can't enter with a slanted white piece above them. Portal over
to that place and hit X on the little intercoms outside each door. They are 
part of an achievement and you get to listen to Cave Johnson.

Now, go back to the elevator shaft and place a portal on the slanted part 
above the doors. Use the catwalks to go down one flight and look down the 
elevator shaft. Place a portal at the bottom of the shaft and hop in. You'll 
fly over to Pump Station Alpha. Hit the gel pressure control lever to open the
gates. Go through the gate and place a portal on the wall ahead of you. Now 
turn 90 degrees left and look at the top of the back wall. You should see a 
catwalk up there that you can portal to. There's a red poster up there and a 
light. Once outside, hop onto the pipe and get down to the elevator.

|1953-01|                                                                [6.03]

Your about to be introduced to repulsion gel. It's blue. The pit in the first 
room is covered in the stuff. Jump in and it'll bounce you right back out. 
You should notice a platform above you with the exit door and a small button 
on it. There's another platform opposite that one with a big button on it. 
Portal up to that platform. Now jump into the pit. Your momentum makes you 
jump higher, up to the exit door platform. Hit the button to dispense a cube,
grab it, and get back up to the big button. Place the cube down on it and 
jump back over to the exit.

Move through the emancipation grill and up the stairs. On your way up, look up
and you'll see a place to put a portal. Now go to the end of the catwalk and 
turn left. There's another spot to place a portal on this pillar.

|1953-02|                                                                [6.04]

You'll notice a moving platform to your right. Place a portal on one of the 
ceiling panels and place another portal on the platform directly ahead of you
with repulsion gel in front of it. Use the gel to bounce up to the platform and
go through the portal to land on the platform. Grab the cube when you get to 
it and then place another portal on the wall behind the entry door and get 
over to it the same way. There's a button up here that you need to put the 
cube on. It flips a wall panel around so you can shoot a portal onto it.

Put a portal on it and enter it. You should exit and hit the repulsion gel 
below with enough momentum to propel you to the next platform. Go through the 
emancipation grill and jump against one of the walls. You'll bounce back and 
forth over to the next cube. Grab it, bounce back, and place it on the button
to flip another higher wall panel to the left. Place a portal on it and head
through. You might have to jump through this one to get enough distance, but 
you'll definitely be high enough after you hit the repulsion gel below.

|1953-03|                                                                [6.05]

Once you exit the elevator, drop down and move across the railing to the 
right to get a big floor area with a bunch of pillars on it. There are five 
large concrete pillars total, but only one of them goes directly into the 
water. It's next to the repulsion gel pipe. You can portal up to the catwalk
at the top of this thing. Once up here, look inside the testing chamber and 
place a portal on the floor marked with the orange reticule, then jump in.

Leave the portal you came out of on this piece of floor and press the small
button. Repulsion gel will fly into the portal and come out of the second one.
Place the second portal so that the floor in front of the steps to the left is
coated with repulsion gel, then jump up. Coat the second step as well and get
up to the highest part. Now look in the opposite direction that the arrows are
pointing and you'll see an emancipation grill and a slanted wall piece. Coat
the platform just below those with repulsion gel so you can get up there, then
jump over using repulsion gel or just portal over there and bounce up through
the grill.

Now place a portal on the slanted wall piece and a portal underneath the 
repulsion gel dispenser. The gel will coat the other surface. Now place a 
portal on the floor beneath you so that you can jump down and come out of the
slanted wall piece. You'll fly, hit the area coated with repulsion gel, and 
bounce to the exit.

|1958-27|                                                                [6.06]

In the next room you'll find repulsion gel constantly leaking onto the floor
as well as water in the center of the room. Water washes away any type of 
gel, so you can't coat that surface. Instead, catch the repulsion gel in a 
portal and coat the floor below the small button so you can reach it. Before
you push it, put the exit portal on the square panel in the back. It's to the
left as you enter the room. When you bounce up and hit the button, the water
will be shut off for a limited time. The repulsion gel will continue to pour 
out, however, and it will fly through the portals and coat the platform 
beneath the water dispenser. You can then jump up to the exit.

In this next area, place a portal beneath the repulsion gel and place the exit
on the slanted portion of wall. Let the repulsion gel coat the opposite wall.
You should notice two vertical white walls here. Get to the very top of one of
them and place a portal on the floor beneath you. Now place the exit portal
back on that slanted part and jump in. You'll fly out, hit the repulsion gel
on the opposite wall and bounce up to the emancipation grill.

Up here you can look down into the previous testing chamber. Place a portal 
below the repulsion gel. You'll need it. Again. Now go up the stairs and you'll
see four large concrete pillars. The far left one has a white patch high up, 
just under the catwalks that you need to get on. Place the exit portal there.
Once the opposite slanted surface is coated in repulsion gel, leave the exit
portal there and move to the very end of this platform that you're on. You
should be under the white piece with the black and yellow crash test dummy
symbol on it. Fire your entry portal on the white ground below and jump in. 
You should fly out and hit the repulsion gel and bounce up to the catwalk.
Move around until you see a white patch on the pillar. There's another white 
patch just about it, so portal up to the next catwalk.

|1958-28|                                                                [6.07]

In this chamber you'll note the large glass box with a cube inside of it. 
Place an entry portal beneath the repulsion gel and place the exit on the 
panel above the glass box. When the cube is coated in repulsion gel, it'll 
begin bouncing around like crazy and eventually break out of the box. If you
can catch it before it hits the ground you get an achievement, but it's a 
game of chance. Anyway, place a portal under the water dispenser and try to 
catch the cube in a portal shooting water so it stops. Once it's been cleaned 
off, grab it and place it on the button to lower the lift.

Now, portal up to the platform next to the lift. Use portals to coat the area
in front of the lift in repulsion gel and use it to bounce onto the lift. Now
place the exit portal on the ceiling above the cube to coat it in repulsion 
gel. It'll bounce off of the button and the lift will raise.

|1971|                                                                   [6.08]

Get out of the lift and move forward. You should see the speaker system on 
the wall here. Look on the back side of this wall for a single area to place a
portal. If you go straight ahead you'll only reach a dead end. A piece of the
catwalk kind of juts out. Get on it and look at the lighted section across the
way with 1971 Pump Station Beta written on it. Portal over there.

Inside the pump station, portal up to the catwalks above you. Now look down and
place a portal on each of the white patches on the floor. Before you jump, 
look at the back wall of the room. Between the pipes, on the other side of the
glass divider, at the very top, there is a white panel. You will need to jump 
into the first portal on the ground, and as you are coming up out of the 
second portal, fire your first portal onto that white panel. You will then fall
back through the second portal and out of the white panel. Once you're up top,
go inside the office and hit both blue and orange gel pressure control 
levers, then move outside.

|Control Room|                                                           [6.09]

When you get outside the control room, portal up to the catwalks at the very 
top. Enter the office up here and look in the back left corner. There's a 
partially hidden door back here that opens up into a corridor. Hit the 
intercom outside the three locked doors. If you hit the intercoms for the 
three previous doors a while back, you should get an achievement. Also, go 
through the open door here and move to the life preserver at the end of the 
catwalk. It's Portal 2's reference to Half-Life 2's reference of Portal, and
standing in front of it gets you another achievement.

Now go back to the catwalk area and shoot a portal down onto the ground below
you. Shoot the exit portal on the slanted portion to your right. Make sure 
you hit the portion to the right of the pipe. Jump in and you'll go flying 
towards the control room, where you'll find none other than GLaDOS. Go over to
her and pick her up when you get a chance. She'll now be with you for a while.
This also raises the lift, so go back outside and get back up on the highest
catwalk. Place another portal on the ground, but place the exit portal high up
on the wall behind you. You'll sail right to the next elevator.

                          | ====================== |
                          |                        |
                          | Chapter 7: The Reunion |                       [W7]
                          |                        |
                          | ====================== |

|1972-01|                                                                [7.01]

Inside the test chamber, place an exit portal on the ceiling above the high
platform ahead of you. It has a small button on it that dispenses propulsion
gel. Place your entry portal on the wall at the end of the black strip with a
ramp. Hit the button and then place your exit portal on the floor. It will be
the entry for the propulsion gel, which will fly out and coat the black strip
and ramp. When you run along propulsion gel, you go really fast. Before you 
do anything, place a portal on the ceiling so you can get back to the button.
Now, run along the propulsion gel and up the ramp. You'll land on the lower 
floor on the other side. When you get to the arrows pointing right, go left 
and place your other portal on the wall here.

Go through the portal and hit the button again, then place the entry portal
down so it catches the propulsion gel. You need to coat the hallway the 
arrows were pointing towards because of a gap. Go back to it and run across 
the gap using the propulsion gel. Once on the other side, use portals to get 
the cube and take it back to the starting area. Place the cube on the button
to raise the ramp and run up it again, this time landing on the higher 

Up here, put a portal on the floor panel to your right and place another 
portal on the wall at the end of the black (now orange) strip with the ramp.
Go through your floor portal to get back to the beginning area. Now, move to 
the ramp and run the opposite way, back through the portal. You'll fly up out 
of the floor panel and you can reach the button. Just after you leave the 
test chamber, you'll notice a locked gate to the left of your path. You can 
shoot a portal on the wall beyond it to get past it and examine an office up
here. There's a painting on the wall in here of Cave Johnson and his assistant
Caroline. Walk up to it to get an achievement.

|1972-02|                                                                [7.02]

Place a portal below the propulsion gel dispenser and another portal on the 
wall piece facing you on the pillar ahead. Hit the button to coat the 
central area with propulsion gel. Now place your entry portal below the 
repulsion gel and your exit portal on the ceiling tile above the end of the 
"runway". Hit the button to coat the end of the runway with repulsion gel. 
Now run along it. When you hit the end you'll bounce and hit the wall piece on
the first pillar. Go around to the other side of the pillar and portal up to 
the catwalk above you. When you're up on the catwalk, leave your portal on 
the upper backside of the pillar here. You'll need it. Shoot your other portal
at the main area to get back over there. Now shoot your free portal onto the 
first wall piece on the pillar. You will run and jump along the gel runway, 
go through the first wall piece and come out of the second one higher up, 
and then hit the elevator.

|1976-05|                                                                [7.03]

First things first. Let's coat all applicable surfaces with the appropriate
gels. Go stand in front of the gel dispensers and look to your right. You 
should see a runway with arrows pointing towards a wall panel. There's a 
slanted wall panel above it. Put portals on the propulsion gel pad and the 
flat wall panel to coat the runway with propulsion gel. Now put a portal on the
repulsion gel pad and a portal on the slanted wall piece. This coats that 
other slanted piece.

Now go back to the main mesh area of the platform you're on. Dead ahead you 
should see a seperate area with a button on it. There's a single floor 
panel there with the black and yellow crash test dummy logo on it. Put a portal
on it linking it to the repulsion gel. You want to coat the "ceiling" tile 
there with the stuff. Finally, look in the upper right area and you can spot
another seperate platform with two flat wall panels and a short ramp. The wall
panel in front of the ramp has the black and yellow logo on it. Put your exit
portal on that panel so that the short ramp is coated in repulsion gel.

Now portal over to the runway. Go to the end, put a portal on both wall panels
here, and run into it. You'll go flying out of the top panel, hit the slanted
panel coated in repulsion gel, and bounce over to the cube. Now portal you
and the cube over to the button and put the cube on it. This rotates the 
ceiling panel that you covered in repulsion gel so that it's facing up. Now 
portal back to the runway, but this time put the exit portal on the final 
wall that you used to expel repulsion gel onto the short ramp in the upper 
right corner. You'll run through this portal, hit the ramp with the gel, and 
bounce to the rotated piece with more gel on it, then bounce over to the 

|1978|                                                                   [7.04]

When you get to the dead end with the out-of-service elevator, place a portal
on the wall to your right and portal up to the catwalk high up behind you.
Go through the emancipation grill and turn right and look up. You should see 
Pump Station Gamma over there. Portal over to it.

|1982|                                                                   [7.05]

Inside the pump station, head into the office and hit all three gel pressure
control switches. Now portal back to the entrance to avoid the crushers.
You'll notice some white gel has spilled on the floor. It's called conversion
gel. It allows you to place portals on surfaces otherwise unportalable.
Place a portal on the floor covered in conversion gel and place your exit 
portal above you, on the beam above the broken catwalk. Get onto that 
catwalk and jump down onto the repulsion gel. You'll bounce to the next area.

In here you can use the propulsion gel to get by the next set of crushers. 
Before you do, place a portal at the beginning of the propulsion gel, on the 
wall piece with the black and yellow symbol on it. Head outside and move to the
broken end of the catwalk. Turn around and place your exit portal on the 
slanted wall behind you. Now go back and run the other way along the propulsion
gel. You'll enter your first portal and come out of the second one, flying to
the next catwalk. Once you're in the office area, you'll drop down. At this 
point, head into the single office to the right and press the button in here
to open the doors at the end.

When you get to the pit with conversion gel spilling into it, hop in and place
a portal underneath the conversion gel. Place another portal at the end of 
the conversion gel patch facing the other catwalk. There's a wall behind that
catwalk that needs to be coated. Once it's covered in gel, look through the 
fence and shoot a portal onto the wall and get over to the outside. Now 
put another portal under the conversion gel. You're going to need a lot of it.
You need to coat that slanted piece next to the pillars with gel, so do it.
Also make sure you coat the floor between the pillar and the slanted piece.
If you look up at the top of the pillar, you should see a catwalk. You're going
to jump off of it, into a portal at the bottom, and through the slanted piece,
so get everything nice and white.

Now go to the pillars and start coating the two sides facing each other so you
can work your way up and coat the area above the catwalk. Portal up to the 
catwalk when it's ready and go to the other side. Place a portal on the 
floor below you and another on the slanted wall piece. Jump in and sail over 
to the next area.

When you get to the elevator shaft, you can do some portaling to get up to the
elevator. There are white patches everywhere. Once you get to the elevator, 
put a portal on the floor of it and move to the broken end of the catwalk in 
front of it. Put another portal on the floor and hop in. You'll come out of 
the elevator and sail up, but you can't land on anything. At the top of your 
jump, you can see the floor above you and there are white patches on it. You 
need to place a portal on the white patch so that when you fall back through
the portal on the elevator floor you come up through the new portal. You can 
just sit there, bouncing between portals, until you get your bearings, so 
don't rush it. When you finally do it, you'll bounce up higher, but still 
won't be able to reach any surfaces. You should see a catwalk and a door which
is where you need to be. Opposite the door there's a slanted piece of wall. 
You need to place a portal on it so that when you fall you come out of it and
hit the door. It's all pretty simple, actually.

|Gel Pump Station|                                                       [7.06]

You should immediately notice some white concrete pillars along with a white
patch on the floor. Look up and shoot a portal on one of the pillars as high
as you can go, which should be just above the second set of horizontal beams.
Portal up to the beams and walk around on them. Shoot a portal on the white 
patch of floor beneath you and then turn around and look at the area with the 
big gel pipes. There's a slanted wall above the catwalk with the door. Put a 
portal on it and jump into your portal on the ground to get up to the next 
level. Make sure the portal on the slanted part is directly in the middle.

You should notice that you land on a slanted piece up here as well. Leave your
exit portal on the slanted wall, but move your entry portal beneath the 
dripping repulsion gel. The gel will fly out and coat that slanted piece you 
land on. Now put your portal back on the floor and jump in again. You'll hit
that piece and bounce up to the next level. Go to the back of this place and 
you should see a white patch on the floor. Put your exit portal here and go 
back down and jump into the floor portal one more time. You come out of the 
second portal and as you're in mid-air, you can look onto the next floor. 
There's a white patch there. Shoot your first portal onto that white patch 
so that you fall up here.

You're going to be dealing with all three gels in this room. First off, place 
a portal below the conversion gel. If you move to the end of the room with the
slanted wall piece, look above it and you'll see a white patch on the ceiling
behind some fencing. Place your exit portal there. Now, place an entry portal
below the propulsion gel and your exit portal on the flat vertical wall just
below the slanted piece. You should create a propulsion gel runway with the 
square of repulsion gel at the end. Now place an entry portal on the vertical 
wall ahead and place your exit portal just above it on the slanted wall. Run 
along the propulsion gel, hit the repulsion gel and bounce through the portals
up to the next level. It might take a couple of tries to get the portal 
placement down.

You should notice that you hit another patch of repulsion gel up top and then 
land on a white patch of floor. Look beneath you and place an entry portal 
below the conversion gel and place the exit on that white patch. Once the 
ceiling is coated, place an exit portal on the ceiling and place the entry 
portal below the repulsion gel, so you can coat that white patch with it.
Once you've got it all sorted, go back down to the first floor, put your 
portals back where they belong on the wall ahead, and use the runway to get 
back up to the second floor. You'll bounce on the two repulsion gel patches 
and get over to the next area.

Look behind the pillar here and you'll see conversion gel spilling down. Place
an entry portal on the floor here and look up through the fencing where the 
gel is coming from. You can portal up here. You'll come to a dead end. A big 
shaft with tubes going up it. Look for a fenced in area on the wall with some 
white walls behind it. Place your exit portal on one of the white patches. 
Conversion gel will come through your first portal and bounce all over the 
place. Your goal is to coat the very top. The shaft bends up there.

This is kind of tricky. Some conversion gel should be on what looks like the 
ceiling. It's actually still the shaft, but it's bent. Shoot a portal up there
and shoot another portal on the wall where you first got into this area so you
can get up there. You'll need to jump through the portal, because you're going
to start falling. Your goal is the other, slanted side of the shaft. In 
particular you're aiming for the yellow and black "Caution Watch Your Step"
sign between the two pipes. There's a railing behind it that'll catch you. Now
walk up the shaft until you can go no further and turn around. Look through the
fencing at the very top and you'll see walls you can portal to.

In the actual pump station, look up and you should see a high catwalk. It 
just runs between two doors that you can't move through. Portal up to it and
move to the broken edge. Fire an entry portal on the white patch of floor 
beneath you. Now look forward and to the left a bit. You should see a control
room on the same level as you with Gel Pump Station written above it. On the 
wall opposite the control room there's a white patch, very high up. Place your
exit portal there. Jump in and you should fly over to the control room. Look 
at the paradox poster in here when GLaDOS tells you to, then push the button.
Go back down and get on the lift. From here it's a straight shot to the next

                            | =================== |
                            |                     |
                            | Chapter 8: The Itch |                        [W8]
                            |                     |
                            | =================== |

|Test Chamber 01|                                                        [8.01]

Move along the catwalks until you reach a room with windows. You can see into
the testing chamber below. Wheatley has invented cubes with legs. Place a 
portal on the wall of the room you're in and find a busted vent in here. You 
can shoot a portal on the wall through that vent to get out of here. Go along
the catwalks until you can fall into the test chamber. Place one of the walking
cubes on the button to progress.

When you get around to the actual Test Chamber 01, don't do anything for about
30 seconds and you'll get an achievement. Now, hit the small button and portal
over to the other side. Very difficult. You'll have to run through it again 
before you can get to the elevator.

|Test Chamber 01...Again|                                                [8.02]

You'll be introduced to excursion funnels here. They basically just tote 
things along at a leisurely pace. Kind of like a reverse tractor beam. Hop in 
and ride it to the top. Now place a portal on the ceiling where the funnel 
ends and place another portal on the wall next to the windows. You and the 
funnel will go through the first portal and you can ride the funnel over to 
the box. Grab the box and hop down to the glass area.

Look through the hole and shoot your exit portal at the black and white 
checkered floor below. Toss the box into the funnel and it'll go through the 
portal and the funnel will press it up against the button on the ceiling 
below, opening the door.

|Test Chamber 02|                                                        [8.03]

Drop into the excursion funnel below. Place a portal at the end and place the 
exit portal on the only other piece of wall available, to the left. Put it up
high. As you go through the portal you should be able to see a checkered 
floor next to the platform with the small button on it. When you get back over
to the original funnel, fire your exit portal on that so you can get up to 
the button. Now place your exit portal on the wall next to the dispenser and 
press the button. The funnel will carry it over to that checkered floor, where
you can place another portal to funnel the cube up to you.

Now place the cube on the checkered floor up here and put the exit portal 
beneath it. The funnel will push the cube into the button on the ceiling.
This opens the exit door and lifts some platforms so you can get over to it.

|Test Chamber 03|                                                        [8.04]

First, use the funnel above you to get over to the platform across the way. 
Now stand in front of the small button and place your exit portal on the 
closest wall panel to your left. Press the button and the funnel will catch 
the cube. When the cube hits the wall, put your exit portal on the single 
wall panel so that the funnel escorts the cube to your position. Grab the cube
and put it down so that it doesn't go anywhere.

Now get in front of the faith plate. Put your exit portal on the wall just to 
the left of the target. Hop into the faith plate with the cube and you'll land
in the funnel. Ride it back to the main area. Now place your exit portal 
somewhere on the checkered floor. You and the cube need to hop in it. Now 
look on the wall opposite the exit door and big button. You should see one 
single wall panel below all the others. Place your exit portal there. The 
funnel will push you and the cube straight to the button. Hop out of the 
funnel when you're over the exit platform.

|Test Chamber 04|                                                        [8.05]

Inside the chamber go left and you'll see a turret. Use the funnel to force it
off of the edge of the test chamber. You should notice a big button on the 
floor here. Pressing it reverses the excursion funnel, turning into an actual
tractor beam. Step on the button and then use portals to get the funnel over to
the cube on the other side. You'll now suck the cube back towards the portal.
Just before it enters the portal, place the portal on the back wall there and 
step off of the button. The cube will now be funneled straight to you.

Put the cube on the button and hop in the funnel to be sucked over to the 
other side. Now place the exit portal on the wall so that the funnel moves the
cube off of the button. Place your final exit portal on the floor in front of
the exit door and ride the funnel up to the door.

|Test Chamber 05|                                                        [8.06]

Use portals to get the funnel to go straight up from the middle platform. Now
use the faith plate to hop into the funnel. When you're at the ceiling, place
the entry portal on the slanted wall panel at the end of the room. The 
funnel will be cut off and you'll fall through the portals, landing on the exit
platform. Now put your portals back so that the funnel is going up in the 
middle of the room again. Press the button to dispense a cube right on the 
first faith plate. When it's caught in the funnel, place your entry portal 
back onto the slanted wall piece to bring the cube to you. Place it on the 
button to leave.

|Test Chamber 06|                                                        [8.07]

You're going to need the light bridge, so place an entry portal at the end of 
it. You should see some white panels up high next to the emancipation grill.
Place your exit portal on the lowest one of those panels and press the small
button. The cube will drop, hit a faith plate, and bounce towards the grill.
The bridge stops the cube. Now place another bridge to shield you from the 
turrets below and retrieve the cube. Portal back up to the main floor.

Now, you need the bridge again. Place your exit portal on the single wall 
panel to the right of the monitor with Wheatley on it. Now take the cube and 
hop on the faith plate. You'll go flying, but the bridge will stop you from 
overshooting the catwalk. The turrets can you shoot you through the 
emancipation grill, so place your bridge down in front of them and walk around
behind the grill. Put the cube on the button and portal back up to the exit

|Test Chamber 11|                                                        [8.08]

Place a portal on the floor of the excursion funnel and place your exit portal
on the checkered floor panel on the main surface. Hop into the funnel and ride
it up to the button. Don't worry about pressing it, that's not the point right
now. Place your entry portal on that slanted wall piece by you with the 
target on it. You'll fall through the portal below you and out of the slanted
wall piece, over to the regular cube.

Take the cube over to the laser and block it's path. This shuts off the 
excursion funnel. Portal back up to the main floor. Now place a portal on the
slanted surface with the target on it and another portal on the slanted 
surface above the laser. Use the faith plate in front of the targeted portal
to fly through the portals to the redirection cube. Replace the normal cube 
with the redirection cube, making sure the laser is pointing at the white wall,
and portal back up to the main floor.

Now, place the normal cube on that single piece of checkered floor in front
of the targeted slanted wall, just under the button. Use portals to get the 
laser into the receptacle, which lowers the first lift. Get on it and move the
portals so that the lift rises. Now use portals to move the redirection cube 
out of the way. You need to portal the excursion funnel under the cube so that
it is pushed up into the button. This lowers the next lift. Hop on and remove
the portals to raise yourself up to the exit door.

|Test Chamber 12|                                                        [8.09]

Look around at the wall panels on your side of the room. You should see certain
panels that consist of four tiles on each side of a white strip. These are 
the panels you will need to use. Redirect the laser into the lower receptacle 
on the opposite wall. This will make the platform move. When it's at the other
end, cut the laser off. You should notice a white wall above it. Portal over
and drop down onto the platform. Now you should notice that the platform 
moves through a grid of lasers. The top receptacle shuts these lasers off, 
but obviously this stops the platform from moving.

What you need to do is get the platform halfway through the laser grid, then
shut the lasers off. Move to the other side of the platform, and then make 
it move again. Hop off when it gets to the other side and wait for the 
platform to go back to the other side, below the white wall and dispenser.
Stop it there and press the button to drop a cube onto the platform. Now 
portal onto the same platform and ride it past the laser grid back to the 
button platform. Don't worry, the cube won't be disintegrated or anything.
Do not jump down yet. You need to portal the laser so that it's pointing at 
you and redirect it with the cube into the receptacle above the door.

Now hop down onto the platform with the button and portal back to the main 
area. Reset your portals so that the laser hits the cube again and comes 
back and enters the receptacle. This opens the exit door.

|Test Chamber 15|                                                        [8.10]

First, you need the cube. Press the small button to dispense one. The walls
will come out and catch it, so don't worry about that. Now step on the big 
button on the floor to start up the excursion funnel. Use portals to catch 
the cube in the funnel and move it to the back wall. Now place your exit 
portal on the wall below it to bring the cube over to you. Portal the cube 
inside of the glass box and put it on the big button in there. This turns on
the propulsion gel dispenser.

Back outside, step on the button and portal the funnel out of the single wall
panel just behind the gel dispenser. The funnel will catch all of the gel 
and carry it along. When gel is hovering over the entire runway/ramp area, 
release the button to shut off the funnel and drop gel all over the place.
Now go grab the cube again and place it on the funnel button. Make the funnel
come out of the same wall panel behind the dispenser again and jump in. Ride it
to the catwalk at the very end and hop out.

Go through the large emancipation grill you saw to your right and place a 
portal in here. Make sure it's lined up with the exit door platform. Portal 
back to the main area and place the entry portal on the ceiling above the 
excursion funnel. This creates a funnel from behind the grill going to the
exit door. Now use the propulsion gel runway to throw yourself into that 
funnel and ride it to the exit.

|Test Chamber 16|                                                        [8.11]

Use the conversion gel to get into the test chamber. Once inside, portal over
to the platform across the gap with the button and dispenser on it. Now 
place an entry portal at the end of the funnel and place the exit under the 
dispenser. Hit the button and let the funnel carry the gel. Cut the funnel 
off when the gel is at the end of the platform you're on, so it coats it. You
will need to be able to jump back into the funnel, so this is necessary. Now
put your portals back and press the button again to catch more gel in the 
funnel. This time, jump into the funnel and ride with the gel back to the 
main platform.

Now hop off and step on the big button before the repulsoin gel hits anything.
This reverses the excursion funnel. When you've got most of it through the 
portal, place the exit portal on the wall panel by the turrets and step off 
of the button. When the repulsion gel is above the turrets, cut off the funnel.
The gel will knock the turrets away and coat that surface, which you're about
to use. Now hit the small button on the other side of the glass to make a 
slanted wall panel come out.

Place a portal on the floor somewhere around you and make the funnel come 
through it. Ride it to the ceiling, and then place your entry portal on the 
slanted wall panel from before. You'll fall through the floor and out of the
panel, hit the turret platform coated in repulsion gel, and bounce over to 
the exit.

|Test Chamber 17|                                                        [8.12]

Head into the test chamber and use the faith plate to catch the cube bouncing
in mid-air. Or use it to head the other direction, into Wheatley's trap. You
will bounce around for a while doing nothing until you land on a platform.

                  | ====================================== |
                  |                                        |
                  | Chapter 9: The Part Where He Kills You |               [W9]
                  |                                        |
                  | ====================================== |

|Death Trap|                                                             [9.01]

You can listen to Wheatley talk for a while, or you can just shoot a portal at
the white wall above the catwalk. Shoot another portal on the platform where
conversion gel is dripping. The gel will shoot through the portals and land 
on your platform. Make sure you're not in the way so it can coat the whole 
thing. Portal over to the catwalk now. 

Keep going until you reach a dead end. You should be able to look down at 
the end of the catwalk and place a portal on the piece below. Put another 
portal on the piece high up on your right and jump in. Keep going until 
Wheatley smashes the railing ahead of you. Place a portal on the wall on the 
other side of the railing, then go back to the "doorway" you just walked 
through and place a portal on the wall here.

|Test Chamber 75|                                                        [9.02]

When Wheatley moves the chamber in your way, place a portal at the end of the 
catwalk and look at the bottom of the chamber. You can see inside to the 
ceiling, so portal on in. You'll land in the middle of a bunch of turrets, but
they're all defective. Exit the room when the door opens and keep going until
some working turrets pop up to your right. You'll need to portal that 
excursion funnel so that it comes out of the back wall and carries the 
turrets away. when they're down, place the exit portal on the back wall so 
that the funnel points all the way down the next hallway and hop in.

Get off before you float into the spinning blades. In the next room, redirect
the funnel so that it goes out of the door and hop in. Remember what your 
exit portal is, because you're going to need the funnel. After Wheatley 
smashes the wall with a spike plate, you'll see some white panels ahead. Put 
your exit portal there and fall into the funnel.

Keep going until you cross the gap using repulsion gel. Place a portal on the
doorway and then move forward and look up. You should be able to place another
portal on a ceiling piece inside the next room. Once you're in here, step on
the big button next to you to make repulsion gel come out. Put a portal on the
floor below the gel dispenser and put your exit portal on the big wall to the 
right of all those turrets behind you. You'll need to move the portal around
so that the globs of gel hit all of the turrets. Now portal over to the faith
plate and use it.

|Bomb Transportation|                                                    [9.03]

First, place a portal on the wall above the button. Now press the button and 
look out of the window. The tube transporting bombs will shift and point down
at the floor. Place a portal on the floor where it's pointing so that the 
bombs go through the portals and hit the conversion gel pipe behind you. It'll
coat the floor, so portal over to the other platform.

Now you'll have to drop onto a conveyor belt. Move towards the end with 09 
written on it and Wheatley will start it up. You can't move faster than it, so
just ride it to the very end and get off on the other catwalk. There's a button
here that causes bombs to come out of the pipe ahead. Place a portal on the 
floor below the pipe and place another portal on the floor below the orange 
propulsion gel pipe on the other platform, then press the button. When the 
propulsion gel tube is broken, leave the portal under it and place a portal 
on the wall with 09 on it at the end of the conveyor belt. Now run along the 
conveyor belt coated in propulsion gel and go through the portal.

Leave the portals there. In the next room you'll notice a white patch on the 
floor. To the right of it there's a long hallway with a white wall at the end.
Place your exit portal there to coat this hallway with propulsion gel. Now 
place your entry portal on the floor panel and run through the portals. You
should fly up high enough to enter the excursion funnel above. Get off on the
catwalks and portal up above the fencing when you get to the dead end.
Portal to the top of the chamber here and plug GLaDOS into the socket when you
get to it.

|Wheatley|                                                               [9.04]

After Wheatley starts the neurotoxin, he'll start lobbing bombs at you. Go 
stand in front of the conversion gel pipe and let him start shooting bombs at
you. They'll blow open the pipe and conversion gel will go everywhere. There's
now a panel to the left of the countdown timer that feeds onto a catwalk. 
Place a portal up here and when Wheatley starts shooting bombs at you, move 
out of the way and put a portal on the ground. The bombs will go in and hit
Wheatley in the back. Now enter your own portal so that you're deposited onto
the catwalk and grab the core that GLaDOS drops in for you. The catwalk will
be demolished and repulsion gel will scatter around. Use the repulsion gel 
patch below where the catwalk was to jump up and place the core on the blinking
red light on the side of Wheatley.

Wheatley will eventually start shooting bombs at you again, but his shields
are up high this time. Place a portal directly under him and let him shoot his
bombs into another portal. He'll get hit from below. Get back up on the 
catwalk and jump off the broken end. You'll bounce on the repulsion gel and 
you can grab the next core. Now use the lone patch of repulsion gel in the 
middle of the room to bounce up and attach it to Wheatley.

Wheatley fires more bombs at you. Leave your portal on the panel above the 
catwalk. The bombs will hit his backside if he's facing you, so place your 
floor portal accordingly. The next core comes in from the other side of the 
arena, by the propulsion gel pipe. It's high up, so place a portal on the 
floor beneath it. Soon propulsion gel will spill out forming a runway up to a
single wall panel. Put your other portal on that panel and run through it. 
You'll be slung up to the last core. Use the repulsion gel patch to attach it
to Wheatley.

Soon water will erase all of the gel in the area except for a small patch of 
conversion gel under Wheatley. Put a portal there and when the side room opens,
place a portal on the ceiling of that room to get to the stalemate button. 
Unfortunately, Wheatley has booby trapped it. You'll be blown back to the 
main chamber. As you lay on the floor, the roof will tear away and you can 
see the moon. Your first portal should still be under Wheatley, so fire your 
exit portal onto the surface of the moon. Yep. That just happened. Sit back 
and enjoy the rest of the game.

                               ||             ||
                               ||  Technical  ||                         [TECH]
                               ||             ||

Any website may use this guide, as long as it is kept intact and proper credit 
is given. Contact me at if you have any
questions about the guide or the game.


| Portal 2 | ---------- Escrito por: SwigGYx_X Email: Versão 1,00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ÍNDICE ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I. Introdução II. Passo a passo Capítulo 1: A visita de cortesia [C1] Tutorial [0,0] Câmara Teste 00 [1.1] Câmara Teste 01 [1.2] Câmara Teste 02 [1.3] Câmara Teste 03 [1.4] Câmara Teste 04 [1.5] Câmara Teste 05 [1.6] Teste Secção 06 [1,7] Test Chamber 07 [1,8] (capítulos mais muito em breve!) [I. Introdução] --------------- Ei! SwigGY aqui. Isso será realmente o meu primeiro guia que eu já escrevi, então eu espero que vocês gostem. Eu incluí links para vídeos que eu gravei em todo este guia, se você precisar de algum auxílio visual. Entre em contato comigo através do meu e-mail a qualquer momento, e eu vou ser feliz para atualizar o meu FAQ e questões anyones resposta. Tudo bem, vamos começar! II [. Passo a passo] --------------- ~~~~~ CAPÍTULO 1: A Cortesia Call [C1] ~~~~~ [0.0] - Tutorial (vídeo - https://www. assistir /? v = fsFDgu0VgfQ) ---------------------- Quando você começar o jogo, você vai acordar no que parece ser um quarto de hotel . Para garantir que você está fisicamente apto, uma voz masculina irá pedir-lhe para olhar para cima e para baixo. Ufa, que um treino! Em seguida, vá olhar a imagem da montanha na parede quando solicitado. Quando você tiver feito tudo, voltar para a cama. Fácil coisas. Depois de acordar, você vai ouvir alguém falar. Caminhe até a porta no seu pequeno corredor e abri-lo para encontrar Wheatley, seu amigo robô novo! A voz pelo interfone alarme vai lhe que é hora de exacuate. Wheatley, então, introduzir um buraco no teto, mas pode ter certeza, ele vai te tirar daqui! Quando Wheatley pede-lhe para dizer que sim, aperte A. Você vai pular. Ele então pede que você diga maçã. Pressione A novamente, e você pular de novo. Wheatley, então, voltar-se para o telhado e começam a se mover ao redor da sala. Ir para os escombros da sua câmara. Wheatley vai deixá-lo logo após este, por enquanto. Cabeça para a frente e cair através do vidro e em um quarto. Isso ativa a voz do locutor masculino. Vamos começar os testes! [1.1] - Test Chamber 00 (Video - ---------------------- Bem, não este olhar muito familiar! Você deve perceber que esta primeira câmara parecido com o primeiro quarto em um Portal. Haverá um portal laranja que aparece na parede. Percorrendo que vai fazer você sair do exterior azul portal dessa câmara de vidro. Vá até o primeiro corredor. Pisando o grande botão vermelho no chão, vai lançar um cubo. Vá sobre, buscá-lo com o X, e levá-lo de volta para o grande botão vermelho e pressione X novamente para soltar o cubo em cima dela. A porta se abrirá. Passe por ela. [1.2] - Test Chamber 01 (Video - ---------------------- Caindo para essa câmara, você vai notar que há três salas de vidro. Pressionar o botão vermelho em frente dos quartos vai abrir portais azuis. Primeiro, pressione o botão vermelho à direita, então vá ao portal laranja (localizado logo atrás de você quando você primeira gota para a câmara). Pegue o cubo e depois voltar. Vai apertar o botão vermelho do lado esquerdo da sala, em seguida, vá até o portal laranja novamente. Soltar o cubo em cima do botão vermelho grande. Cabeça para trás. A porta na extremidade norte da sala está aberta. Bata no botão vermelho em frente dela, e voltar no portal laranja. Continue através da porta e em seu próximo teste. [1.3] - Test Chamber 02 (Video - ---------------------- Entrando Neste teste, você vai se reunir com Wheatley. Viva! Vá para o meio da sala, onde a arma do portal é suposto ser. Em vez disso, o piso vai ceder, fazendo com que caia para baixo com ele. Faça o seu caminho para a sala com desenhos nas paredes louco. Suba as escadas e você encontrará a sua arma preciosa portal. Finalmente! Utilizando o seu novo brinquedo, atire um portal na parede. Ele vai fazer você sair do portal laranja em cima. Suba as escadas e simplesmente andar pelos corredores diferentes. Eventualmente, você vai cair para baixo, e um portal laranja irá aparecer. Atire um portal na parede para sair do lado de laranja. Você chegará a uma área que parece ser um beco sem saída, mas não tenha medo! Basta gravar um portal perto da porta em que você está tentando chegar, e passar pelo portal de laranja atrás de você. Passe pela porta e para o seu próximo teste. [1.4] - Test Chamber 03 (Video - ---------------------- Esta próxima sala terá smooth jazz para acalmar sua alma. Neat! Você vai notar um cubo caindo em um buraco profundo no lado direito da sala. Quando ele cair, atire um portal azul por baixo, fazendo com que o cubo de sair do portal laranja do seu nível. Basta ter o cubo e colocá-la no grande botão vermelho. Continue através da porta de seu próximo teste. [1.5] - Test Chamber 04 (Video - ---------------------- Quando você entrar nesta sala, você vai notar um portal laranja aparecem em cima. Atire um portal azul em uma parede próxima para chegar até lá. Em seguida, atire um portal na parede em frente de você (a plataforma com o cubo). Vire-se, vá até o portal de laranja, e pegue o cubo sobre o outro lado. Deixe cair para baixo e colocar esse cubo em um dos botões vermelha grande no chão. No lado norte da sala, há um pequeno buraco com um cubo nele. Atire o chão debaixo do cubo para fazê-lo sair do portal laranja. Volte lá, pegue o cubo e colocá-la no grande botão vermelho outros. Dirija através da porta. Você estará em um quarto fechado, por isso só atirar um portal na parede para sair. Siga para o elevador. [1.6] - Test Chamber 05 (Video - assistir /? v = fsFDgu0VgfQ) ---------------------- entrar nesta sala, dispare um portal azul no chão para sair da laranja. Agora aperte o botão vermelho de pé para dispensar um cubo no canto nordeste da sala (siga os pontos azuis na parede para encontrá-lo). Atire um portal sob o recém-dispensado do cubo para fazê-lo sair da laranja portal atrás de você. Buscá-lo e colocá-la no grande botão vermelho. Há algumas escadas que dão forma após fazer isso, então vá até eles. Ir para os dois botões de pé vermelho. O da esquerda vai liberar outro cubo, ea da direita trará a parede. O que você deve fazer é disparar um portal onde o cubo cai, enviando-o para fora da laranja. No entanto, alguns segundos após a liberação do cubo, ir lá e apertar o botão do lado direito. Isso fará com que um muro que mantém o cubo de voar para a água. Desça e pegue o cubo. Suba as escadas e coloque-o no grande botão vermelho no chão. Dirija através da porta. [1.7] - Test Chamber 06 (vídeo - em breve) ---------------------- Atire um portal na parede para entrar na sala ao lado. Agora você vai querer fotografar um portal azul no fundo do poço no meio da sala. Em seguida, pule para dentro do portal. A dinâmica irá enviar-lhe voar para o outro lado da sala. Embora nessa plataforma, há uma sala de vidro pequeno com um buraco no meio abaixo de você (perto da borda da plataforma). Olhando pelo buraco, atire um portal sob o cubo nesta pequena sala. Isto irá enviar o cubo através do portal de laranja. Volte e pegue o cubo. Atire em outro portal azul no poço, e depois passar por ela enquanto ainda mantém o cubo. Coloque o cubo no grande botão vermelho, e passe pela porta. Quando você entra na sala ao lado, olha para a esquerda. Atire um portal sobre o painel inclinado, e depois saltar para dentro do poço e através do portal de laranja. Em seguida, pegue o cubo, filmar um portal no lado oposto de onde você tirou seu primeiro portal, e pular para o portal laranja novamente (enquanto ainda mantém o cubo). Vai colocar o cubo no grande botão vermelho naquela plataforma. Agora, atirar uma forma de portal para o alto na mesma parede que você fez da última vez. Ir através do portal de laranja, e caminhar através da porta. [1.8] - Test Chamber 07 (vídeo - em breve) ---------------------- Você reencontro com seu amigo robô inteligente, Wheatley. Viva! Coloque um portal na parede atrás dele e salto com a laranja. Ele vai separar-se do trilho, para pegá-lo com o X e plug-lo na tomada que sai da parede. Depois que ele abre uma parede secreta, Pick-lo de volta, pegue nas passarelas, e segui-los para a próxima área. Você acabará por chegar a um GLaDOS quebrado. Passe o objeto de metal grande circular e você encontrará algumas escadas. Após isso, você vai chegar à sala de disjuntor / cilindro. Plug Wheatley quando você tiver a chance. Depois que ele acidentalmente acorda GLaDOS e você cair no poço, passar ao longo dos trilhos e destroços até chegar do outro lado da arma completa portal. Atear fogo a um portal na parede em frente e, em seguida, um incêndio na parede ao lado de você para continuar. O restante deste capítulo consiste apenas de portais de disparo para obter os obstáculos do passado. Fim do Capítulo 1! 

coluna da esquerda